Choosing A New Water Heater: What Factors Should I Consider?
Thank goodness it is not a task that has to be repeated every year because, for property owners who have to replace their water heaters, it can be quite challenging.
The water heater in your home has an average life span of between 8 to 10 years, depending on how well they are treated and the kind of demand being placed on them.
There are other extenuating factors when it comes to your water heater. One thing that everyone seems to agree on is that if you make the right choice as far as your equipment goes you will have it with you for a longer period of time.
How To Choose A New Water Heater
The first thing to keep in mind is that there are several makes and models for you to choose from. With this in mind, it helps to get a little advice about the one that will better serve your needs. For instance, you can purchase the conventional water heater that stores water in it, or instead, you can choose the tankless option.
The power source for water heaters also varies, with some operating on electricity and others using propane. There are also water heaters that will operate on solar power if you wish, an option that should look reasonably good on your utility bill.
What Factors Should I Consider?
The fact that you have so many options should not be a challenge, especially when you understand what your needs are. In other words, you won’t ask us to install a gas-operated water heater, unless there is a source for natural gas coming into the home.
Additionally, if you have a large family, choosing a small heater that is designed for two people would not be an efficient way to go. When space is a concern, however, a tankless water heater will satisfy many of those needs.
How Often Does it Need Maintenance?
It is unfortunate, but many property owners end up replacing their water heater before its time, and more often than not it is due to a lack of proper maintenance.
In order to allow for the maximum life of your water heater, you should set up a maintenance plan at least once a year.
This will facilitate a closer evaluation of the anode rods, pipes, and valves. Your water heater should also be flushed at least once a year.
These preventative measures may not necessarily extend the life of the heater but should ensure that it operates efficiently.
Doing some research on a new water heater for your Austin home? Call Beyond Wow today, and get the proper insight on your new water heater choice.